Easter Day (John 20:1-19)
The aim of today is to understand that Jesus rose from the dead and brings us hope of new life in him, and that something happy and wonderful can come out of something very sad.
Intergenerational ServicesIntergenerational Services from Scripture Union
Printable Easter Holiday resourcesThe Children's Mission (children's ministry in the Salvation Army NZ) have some great printable resources, including an Easter booklet - perfect for printing out for visiting families, or including in Eater isolation packs.
Wrapping the CrossWrapping the Cross is a powerful visual way to tell the Easter story, as the cross is wrapped up in clothes on Good Friday, and revealed on Easter Sunday. You may need to adapt the story if greater sensitivity is needed (like young children).
Intergenerational WorshipIntergenerational worship ideas from Intergen Australia, written by Rev Sandy Brodine. THey have two offerings for telling the Easter story, from both Mark's Gospel (shorter!) and John's gospel (more detail!)
I wonder questions
Pebble Easter EggsA simple and beautiful craft, great for all ages make, and could be used in a treasure hunt activity too. Source: Sunhats and wellieboots
Rocky RoadAn edible rocky road activity from for children to make - and enjoy! Source: Sunhats and wellieboots
Activities and crafts![]() Some more creative Easter activities from the sunhats and wellie boots website.
Weave an Easter cross Easter small world play and in a sand tray Life of Jesus board game Seven minute sermonCenturies of speculation have given Mary Magdalene a bad reputation. But her life actually provides a great example to follow. This 7 minute sermon podcast from Rev. George Penk is based on Luke 8.1-2 and John 20.14-17
Bead activityUsing different coloured beads to tell the story of holy week, which can be made into a bracelet, keychain, etc.
Gospel ConversationsEaster Day! If you're not preaching this week, perhaps hold off watching this until Sunday, because this is a real celebration of the resurrection, and over Holy Week we still have Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday to work through before we get there. But when we do, what an amazing, glorious story we are given! Grace, Peg and Anne have a thoroughly enjoyable time thinking about the women at the tomb and the mind-blowing Good News they are tasked with sharing. Christ is risen!
Gospel Conversation conversation from last year!
A huge thanks to the Diocese of Dunedin for this Gospel Conversation in 2023. In one of the most moving Conversations we have had, Lisa, Gary and Mannie join Michael to rejoice in the deep mystery, love and hope of Mary Magdalene's encounter with the risen Jesus in the garden. You won't want to miss this one! Visio LectioA beautiful image from the Visio Lectio project, created by the Anglican Diocese of Auckland. © Sarah West. All Rights reserved, shared with permission.
Download Terms of Use Hand printed crossThis activity could be done on a large sheet of newsprint paper, to include everyone's handprints on the one sheet, or each child could have their own smaller piece of paper to make a cross. It could be done as described, with the hands forming a cross, or in reverse, with the handprints providing the background to a white cross (as per the pictures below). Craft idea was taken from this website
"PAINTED HAND PRINTS: Spread some paint on each child's one hand and let them place their painted hand print on a poster board and all the hands need to be in a formation of a cross when the prints are completed. When I did this activity, I did these cross-formation-hand-prints on our class room wall for decoration. The kids loved it and enjoyed it for years!" Transformation![]() There is a sermon from the Church of Scotland, which uses a simple upside down face as a visual aid, to describe the transformation between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. This could be helpful for families with younger children.
Source: Rev Rosie Frew, Church of Scotland Papier Mache TombsNote: These tombs take a long time to dry. If possible, children should take them home still wet on their paper plate. Those that are left will be dry by the following week.
What you need:
Easter Egg Relay RaceThis is a great game for people of all ages; children and adults can both be accommodated easily.
What you need:
What you do:
Bead Necklaces![]() A bead crosses to take home and hang up somewhere, or wear to remind you that God loves you, even when you forget about him. God will never forget about you!
Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31)
This story looks at Jesus appearing to his disciples, and how Thomas doubted that he was really the resurrected Jesus.
Doubting Thomas
Gospel ConversationsWe have a collection of three gospel conversations fo this passage, collected over the years! They are listed from newest (this week!), 2023 and 2022.
Jesus appearing to his disciples huddled in a room with doors locked; Thomas refusing to believe until he can see it with his own eyes - there is so much here to dig into! Simon Martin joins us for the first time, and together with Gillian, Jonathan and Michael, gives us a taste of just how much there is to glean from this amazing passage. Gospel Conversations 2023
Jesus appears to his confused, scared, doubting disciples - 2000 years ago and still today! Joel Stutter joins Michael Godfrey and the Dunedin Diocese 'Gospel Conversations' team for the first time, with James Harding and Trish Franklin, as we move deeper into the joyful season of Easter. Gospel Conversations 2022
In an earlier Gospel Conversations, Michael talks with Katie Marcar (Otago University Programme and All Saints’, North Dunedin), Tony Martin (St Paul’s Cathedral and Emergency Management Otago) and Richard Johnson (Dean for Rural Ministry and Interim Priest, Winton) on this passage from John 20: 19-31. Reflection questionsIn small groups discuss
Blind bag Icebreaker gameCollect a range of different items that the children would know, and put them in a thin drawstring bag. Take it in turns to pass the bag around and ask children to guess what item is inside. You can either have different bags for different items, or have several in the same bag (to make it more challenging!). How do they know what's inside, when they can't see it? Are they certain? Items could include non-breakable items like a tennis ball, wooden spoon, cuddly toy, book, etc.
Interviewing ThomasWrite a script for a 'Resurrection Interview', where a journalist can interview Thomas. Thomas can describe the impact the resurrection had on the disciples and then on himself. You can do this sketch live, or pre-record it using a camera or phone. It is a great way to get young people involved in your all age services.
Questions can include:
You can adapt and change this interview to suit your congregation and needs. Let us know how you get on. For a script of a similar idea, see the All-Age Lectionary Services: Year C from Scripture Union. Peace be with you!You can read today’s story in John 20:19–23, and the Jesus Storybook Bible p. 318-321
Preschool brainstormYoung children can have difficulty distinguishing between fact and fantasy, so do not worry too much about explaining things that are not real to them in today's session.
Brainstorm a list of things that we know are real, including things we can touch, taste or see, e.g.
Intergenerational WorshipHeading into Easter 2, this resource from Intergen Australia looks at a couple of reading from John, and will offer opportunities to be creative and engage with the scripture. These resources written and compiled by Beth Waldron Anstice.
Available for download from https://intergen.org.au/ Visio LectioA beautiful image from the Visio Lectio project, created by the Anglican Diocese of Auckland. © Sarah West. All Rights reserved, shared with permission.
Download Terms of Use Activities
Telescope CraftOne of the key messages in today's passage is in John 20:29b - Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. We may never see Jesus face to face on earth, like his disciples, but we are reassured that we will be blessed by believing in what we have not seen.
What you need
Doubting Thomas gameA game with paddles and true/false questions, from the Easy Breezy Sunday School website. See the website for instructions on how to make the paddles. Each child gets an "I Doubt It" sign, which they use to respond to a list of unusual facts about the bible/life etc. If they doubt the fact, they show the 'I doubt it' side, but if they believe the statement, they do nothing. Give the correct answer and award a point
Possible statements could include:
Alternative collect or prayerAlleluia!
God of calm, you bring peace in the midst of distress; still our troubled hearts when we struggle to believe, give us the courage to doubt, give us peace in believing. Through Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you now and forever, and in the strength of the Holy Spirit. Amen. ReflectionA daily devotion reflection on 'Doubting Thomas' from Scripture Union USA
Songs in times of uncertainty or doubt