Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
Fruit Salad GamePreparation: you need a circle of chairs or cushions facing inwards
What to do: have all the children sitting on the chairs and the leader standing in the middle. Go around the circle and give each child a ‘fruit’. Only use 3 or 4 different fruit so that there is at least 2 ‘apples’ etc. Explain that you will call out a ‘fruit’ and when you do, all the children who are that fruit must get off their seat and sit in another one. The leader will also try to get a seat. There should be one person left in the middle. This person then calls out another ‘fruit’ and repeats the exercise. This is a great game for helping children get familiar with the names of things in church. You could use bread, grapes, or words like ‘chalice’, ‘paten’ and ‘stole’. Make sure you explain what these things are though! Fruit KebabsWhat you need: pieces of fruit, fruit lollies, kebab sticks, ribbon and the photocopied fruit gift tags.
What to do:
Creative Ideas for Memorising Verses from Galatians
- Write the Words on Tinfoil Pictures (123 Homeschool 4 Me)
- Write the Words on the tunnels of a Plate Marble Maze (Toddler at Play)
- Decorate Paper with an interesting painting technique, write the Verse onto it. (A Girl and a Glue Gun)
- Write or Paint it on a Rock (Projects with Kids)
- Write one word from the verse on a plastic ball. Try to knock the words off in order using a Nerf gun. Game Idea here (Frugal Fun 4 Boys)
- Decorate the verse with Bubble Painting (Early Learning Ideas)
- Pass the Parcel with one Word in between each layer.
- Aeroplane Targets. Write the words of the verse over each hole. Try to get all of the words (How Does She)
- Hopscotch using paper or chalk (Children's Ministry Ideas Unlimited)
- Learn the Verse using NZ Sign Language
- Hide the laminated words in some slime/spaghetti/water beads for the kids to find with feet or hands.
BibleProject - Overview: Galatians
BibleProject: Galatians overview poster. Download for free here