Books of 1 & 2 Timothy
In these two letters to Timothy, Paul instructs him on how to address these teachers and lead the church effectively. We see that what a church believes will directly shape how its members live and behave. In Paul's first letter to Timothy, Paul shows Timothy how to restore order and purpose to the church in Ephesus which has been disrupted by false teachers. In the second letter to Timothy, Paul is near execution and offers a personal challenge to Timothy to keeping following Jesus no matter the sacrifice and risk.
1 Timothy 1:12-14 (Thankfulness to God)
Gratitude Stones (Fireflies and Mudpies)
Straw Rocket Thankyou Prayers (Flame Creative Kids)
Lego Blessing Tower (Future Flying Saucers)
Thanksgiving Placemat (June Pfaff Daley)
Gratitude Pick up Sticks Game (The Bump)
Straw Rocket Thankyou Prayers (Flame Creative Kids)
Lego Blessing Tower (Future Flying Saucers)
Thanksgiving Placemat (June Pfaff Daley)
Gratitude Pick up Sticks Game (The Bump)
The Love of Money (1 Timothy 6:6-19)
Teaching Kids About MoneyThis passage in Timothy is a great launchpad to talk to your kids about money and finance. As they grow up, they will have choices to make about how they spend their pocket money, who they spend it on (themselves or others) and what they save for. Kids who have a healthy understanding of the value of money will become good stewards with all that God gives them.
An interesting Infographic from which looks at how you can help teach your kids about finance. |
Sermons4kidsSermons4Kids has some resources for the Rich Man and Lazarus See here
Opportunities for givingAs we head towards the end of the year and with Christmas looming on the horizon in a few months time, it could be a good time to think about how you are going to approach the festive season. For some, Christmas can be a financially crippling time of year, when it is meant to be a celebration of God's grace and redemption.
You might like to think about 'doing christmas differently' with one of the following:
2 Timothy
2 Timothy 2:22 Dirty Water Object Lesson (Ministry to Children)
2 Timothy 2:21 Toothbrush Object Lesson (Ministry to Children)
2 Timothy 3:1 Bible Verse Game (My Cup Overflows)
2 Timothy 2:21 Toothbrush Object Lesson (Ministry to Children)
2 Timothy 3:1 Bible Verse Game (My Cup Overflows)
Passing on our faith (2 Tim 1:1-14)
Generational FaithIn the opening lines of of this Paul talks about the faith that lived in Lois and Eunice, and that he is sure is alive in Timothy too. This is a great way to highlight the passing on of faith between the generations, and how this can be a beautiful part of an intergenerational church.
As we see in our gospel passage, Jesus talked about having faith as small as a mustard seed, yet this is big enough to make a difference in our lives and to other people’s lives. Guarding our treasuresIn 2 Tim 1:14, it says "Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." Our faith is our treasure and it’s the most important treasure we will ever have.
Brainstorm ways we can guard that treasure:
Reflective Activity
Who was Timothy?Paul was a man who spread the news about Jesus in many countries of the world and Timothy worked with him. Paul wrote to Timothy to support, help and guide him in his faith.
About 2 TimothyIn the second letter to Timothy, Paul is near execution and offers a personal challenge to Timothy to keeping following Jesus no matter the sacrifice and risk. The Bible Project have some helpful resources in understanding this letter.
Handing down your faithThink of a someone who has taught you about/shown you what it is to live for Jesus. Has there been someone in your family who has shared stories about Jesus with you? What was it about them or about what they said that made a difference to you?
St Patrick's BreastplateThe prayer of St. Patrick's Breastplate calls on the protection of Christ in specific ways. This could be good to use as a Communion reflection, or in times of worry.
A guarding prayer Christ be with me, Christ within me Christ behind me, Christ before me Christ beside me, Christ to win me Christ to comfort me and restore me. Christ beneath me, Christ above me Christ in quiet, Christ in danger Christ in hearts of all that love me Christ in mouth of friend or stranger. Click this link for a printable of the prayer that you can colour and decorate yourself, from Look to Him and Be radiant blog' Porters Gate songThe Breastplate of Saint Patrick · The Porter's Gate
The Sarum PrayerYou can make up actions to go with it; there is also a sung version
God be in my head, and in my understanding; God be in my eyes, and in my looking; God be in my mouth, and in my speaking; God be in my heart, and in my thinking; God be at my end, and at my departing. Everything |
Prayer for our churchGod of all people.
We thank you for our church, for all the people who worship here and for all the people who have followed you and passed on their faith to us. We thank you for the courage of those who have followed you when it has been difficult or dangerous. We thank you that you give each of us treasure that doesn’t cost anything, that never goes rotten and that we can never lose so long as we hold onto it: the treasure of your love for us and of your son Jesus who gives us light, grace and strength. Help us to keep following you, especially when we are afraid or sad or tired, knowing that you are always with us. In the name of Jesus, Amen. Prayer of confessionGod of love,
When we forget to pray Fill us with your love and warm our hearts. When we are embarrassed about following Jesus Grant us courage, joy and a sense of God’s presence with us When we are afraid Fill us with your love and strengthen our faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Intergenerational prayer(inspired by 2 Timothy 1:7)
“…for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.” Dear God, Sometimes we feel afraid. Give us your spirit of power. Sometimes we feel upset. Give us your spirit of love. Sometimes we feel confused. Give us your spirit of self-control. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to live in us. Amen. ~ written by Joanna Harader, and posted on Practicing Families. |
Treasure HuntWhat you need
What you do:
Pass The ParcelWhat you need:
Saint Luke the Evangelist (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
In today's reading we are encouraged to have strong hands and firm knees!
God is our strengthToday's lectionary readings have the theme of strength running through them, which can be drawn out and expanded on in your age groups
'I have run that race' kids talkA great kids bible talk on today's 2 Timothy verse, given by Andy Gawn. This is a new video filmed in August 2020, and includes some funny jokes and drama.
Sports ministryIf finishing the race' catches your kids attention, then a great way to connect with your local community is through sports outreach programmes. Here are a list of sports themed resources and organisations to connect with.
Games and activitiesMost of the resources for this bible passage focus on verse: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7; NIV)
Some of our favourite ideas include:
Marble runGet the children to make a marble run and set up obstacles along the way that stops the marble from running the course.
Popsicle race car craftClick here for this fun idea.
Bible verse race trackBible verse race track -- make a race track and write on the bible verse from today. The link uses a different verse to our one, but you could include one rom the reading today.
What is 2 Timothy about?
In Paul's final and most personal letter in the Bible, 2 Timothy encourages church planter Timothy to accept his calling and deal with corrupt teachers. Paul urges Timothy to remain faithful and confident in the gospel message.
You can watch a video about 2 Timothy from the Bible Project here
There is also a kid friendly version of a 2 Timothy overview by Crosspaint on YouTube
Running the raceSimilar passages that reference 'the race', can be found in Philippians 3:7-14; 1 Corinthians 9:23-27; Hebrews 12:1-13
Here is a video from LifeKids, about how we have to be disciplined and driven when it comes to winning the race that God has set before us. Run as if to win the prize. |