Moses and the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-15)
All-age service planYouth and Children's Work have an All-age plan for Moses and the burning bush, written by Lynn Alexander.
You can find the plan here Discussion questions
Children's ProgrammesScripture Union Scotland has a great new resource, One Big Story, for helping kids unpack the Bible over 2 years, and their material in Term 2 covers the story of Moses. See more here >>
Burning bush crafts
All-age talk: explore together
Craft - fire slimeHow to make 'Fire Slime' by Everyday chaos and calm
Prince of EgyptThe Prince of Egypt (PG, 1998) is a beautiful animated film about the life of Moses. You could also encourage families to watch the film at home, if suitable for the ages of the children. You can read the Commonsense Media review here.
Above is a clip from the film that shows this part of the story. |