16 April 2023
Bible readings for today
Liturgical Colour: WHITE |
CollectEternal Father,
through the resurrection of your Son, help us to face the future with courage and assurance, knowing that nothing in death or life can ever separate us from your love. This we ask through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. E te Matua ora tonu, i roto i te aranga o tāu Tama, āwhinatia mātou kia aronui ai ki ngā rā kei te heke mai i runga i te māia, i te mōhio pū, me te mārama anō e kore te mate, te ora rānei e momotu i a mātou i tōu aroha. E īnoi ana mātou i roto pū i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmine. |
Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31)
This story looks at Jesus appearing to his disciples, and how Thomas doubted that he was really the resurrected Jesus.
Doubting Thomas
ReflectionA daily devotion reflection on 'Doubting Thomas' from Scripture Union USA
Gospel ConversationsThe wonderful resurrection stories continue as Jesus meets with his bewildered and frightened and disheartened disciples in the upper room. This was a week when we had to overcome a few hitches to bring you this Conversation: one panelist a bit Coviddy, another having to be replaced at the last minute, and internet that didn't always oblige. Nevertheless we found the glory of this story still shone through, bringing us hope and challenge and peace!
Jesus appears to his confused, scared, doubting disciples - 2000 years ago and still today! Joel Stutter joins Michael Godfrey and the Dunedin Diocese 'Gospel Conversations' team for the first time, with James Harding and Trish Franklin, as we move deeper into the joyful season of Easter.
In an earlier Gospel Conversations, Michael talks with Katie Marcar (Otago University Programme and All Saints’, North Dunedin), Tony Martin (St Paul’s Cathedral and Emergency Management Otago) and Richard Johnson (Dean for Rural Ministry and Interim Priest, Winton) on this passage from John 20: 19-31.
Reflection questionsIn small groups discuss
Interviewing ThomasWrite a script for a 'Resurrection Interview', where a journalist can interview Thomas. Thomas can describe the impact the resurrection had on the disciples and then on himself. You can do this sketch live, or prerecord it using a camera or phone. It is a great way to get young people involved in your all age services.
Questions can include:
For a script of something similar, see the All-Age Lectionary Services: Year C from Scripture Union Peace be with you!You can read today’s story in John 20:19–23, and the Jesus Storybook Bible p. 318-321
Visio LectioA beautiful image from the Visio Lectio project, created by the Anglican Diocese of Auckland. © Sarah West. All Rights reserved, shared with permission.
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Telescope CraftOne of the key messages in today's passage is in John 20:29b - Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed
We may never see Jesus face to face on earth, like his disciples, but we are reassured that we will be blessed by believing in what we have not seen. What you need
Doubting Thomas gameA game with paddles and true/false questions, from the Easy Breezy Sunday School website. See the website for instructions on how to make the paddles. Each child gets an "I Doubt It" sign, which they use to respond to a list of unusual facts about the bible/life etc. If they doubt the fact, they show the 'I doubt it' side, but if they believe the statement, they do nothing. Give the correct answer and award a point
Possible statements could include:
Preschool brainstormYoung children can have difficulty distinguishing between fact and fantasy, so do not worry too much about explaining things that are not real to them in today's session.
Brainstorm a list of things that we know are real, including things we can touch, taste or see, e.g.