25 December 2024
Bible readings for today
LIturgical Colour: WHITE |
CollectE te Tama ā te Atua, e te Tama ā Meri,
i whānau koe i te whare kararehe i Peterehama, meinga kia whānau hōu anō koe ki roto i a mātou i tēnei rā, kia mōhio ai te ao i te mīharo o tōu aroha. Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa. Āmine. Son of God, Child of Mary, born in the stable at Bethlehem, be born again in us this day that through us the world may know the wonder of your love. Hear this prayer for your name’s sake. Amen. |
Christmas Day
Meri Kirihimete! Today we celebrate the birth of the Saviour of the world!
Leaders InputWhat do your Christmas Services look like?
Christmas is one of those services where everyone in the church can feel strongly about how the service looks. This may mean you don't get much say in the shape of the service, when, where, what happens. If your Christmas services are a place where kids are welcome, feel a sense of belonging, love and connection to God then rejoice! But if not, keep advocating, and remember that sometimes small things make a big difference. Try these:
Visio LectioThis print from Rev. Sarah West at Visio Lectio is a beautiful image to contemplate, as you prepare for Christmas Day.
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Gospel ConversationsGospel Conversations 2024: As is now a Gospel Conversation tradition, we've opened up today's Conversation to any of our Conversationalists who were available at the recording time to join in. We asked them all, "What continues to surprise you with joy in the Gospel reading?" The result is a bundle of celebration and unfamiliar ways of thinking about this extremely familiar story.
[Thanks Dunedin team - these have been so great!] Gospel Conversations 2021: In this video, they opened up the conversation to anyone who had been a part of the Gospel Conversations over the year. The result was a slightly chaotic but joyful and varied sharing of what the challenges, good news and 'so what's' of the story of Christmas might be.
Christmas Welcome PacksThinking about how to welcome children at your Christmas services this year?
We put this Christmas activity booklet together to go in kids welcome packs for the Christmas weekend, along with some 'Christmas on the Move' nativity characters, a glowstick, candy cane and some other bits and pieces. You can print it out on 2 A4 pages, staple and fold to make a little booklet. You can also print out any of our new Advent Funsheets. There is a special Christmas Nativity page for Christmas day Advent Wreath - The Christ CandleEach week we gather together and light another candle. We see the light growing brighter and brighter as we get closer to the birth of the “Light of the World.”
Here is one way to do it (there are lots of different ways!): Today we remember the birth of Jesus "Light of the World." Light all five candles, including the white candle in the center, to symbolize Hope, Peace, Joy, Love, and Jesus, the Light of the World. Say: Today, we light the fifth candle, the Christ candle. Jesus has come into the world, just as God promised! This candle reminds us that Jesus is the Light of the World. His light shines in the darkness, and nothing can put it out. Today, we celebrate that Jesus is with us, bringing hope, peace, joy, and love to the world. Read: John 1:1-5, 9-14, about Jesus as the Light of the World and the Word made flesh. Ask: I wonder how Jesus brings light to the world? I wonder how we can share His light with others? Pray: Thank you, God, for sending Jesus to be the Light of the World. Thank you that His light shines in the darkness, giving us hope, peace, joy, and love. Help us to share Jesus’ light with everyone we meet. Amen. Here's another simple liturgy for lighting your candles in the Advent Wreath, from Build Faith written by Rev. Matthew Kozlowski. Game: The Human Christmas TreeWhat you need:
What you do:
Intergenerational ChristmasIntergenerational Australia Resource for Christmas Day
This great resource resource gives people the opportunity to reflect on, and respond to, the Christmas story. What do they see, hear, do, feel, and celebrate, when hearing about the birth of Jesus, God’s gift to humankind? Through prayers, creative reflections, story writing, and joyful celebrations, it is hoped that people can praise, ponder, treasure, celebrate, and share the good news of Jesus. A previous resource (Christmas - something is here!) from can be found here. Thanks to Intergen australia for producing some great resources this year! Rags to Riches - An intergenerational all age service (SUNZ) Collected Resources A collection of Intergenerational Christmas Service ideas from the Uniting Church in Australia. I wonder
Activity: The Gift We Give To JesusThis prayer activity allows each person to give something back to Jesus in prayer; thanks, praise, a need - anything.
What you need:
What you do: