25 December 2025
Bible readings for today
Liturgical Colour: WHITE
CollectSon of God,
light that shines in the dark, child of joy and peace, help us to come to you and be born anew this holy night. Hear this prayer for your love’s sake. Amen. E te Tama a te Atua, te rama e tīaho nei i te pō,
te tamaiti o te hari koa, o te rangimārie, āwhinatia mātou ki te haere atu ki a koe kia whānau hōu ai i tēnei pō tapu. Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ake aroha. Āmine. |
The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-14)
Printable NativityThe printable nativity in Christmas on the Move is great to print out and give to families as at your christmas services. Encourage them to make their own at home, or give them a pack with pens to start making it in the service.
Head to the Christmas on the Move page on the Strandz website Amazing DaysThe newest offering from Bible Society UK, based on Bob Hartman’s story booklet The Amazing Days
Download the video Preview the video and find out more Sign up for a free impromptu nativity script with powerpoint The Impossible PromiseThe Bible Society NZ has a free Christmas booklet for families, based on Bob Hartman’s story booklet The Impossible Promise.
Animated video (YouTube) Download Video Download PowerPoint Instant Nativity (pdf) |
Gospel Conversations '22Once again the GC team aim for the slightly chaotic goal of nine of their friends tackling the Christmas Gospel, all within 15 minutes! This year we took a verse or two each and dug for the Good News. Who knew there could be good news in a census, or the power of an emperor, or the terror of the shepherds? Join a whole bunch of us as we celebrate this joyous Christmas message and promise.
Gospel Conversations '21 In this video, they opened up the conversation to anyone who had been a part of the Gospel Conversations over the year. The result was a slightly chaotic but joyful and varied sharing of what the challenges, good news and 'so what's' of the story of Christmas might be" - Rev. Dr. Anne van Gend. Thanks Dunedin team - these have been so great!
Overview: Luke 1-2BibleProject Luke 1-2 Overview
Christmas Day
Today we celebrate the birth of the Saviour of the world! Here are some general Christmas ideas that you might like to include in your celebrations today. We keep more of our Christmas and Advent media and resources over on our Strandz website, but have put a few ideas below.
What God wants for ChristmasWhat you need:
What you do:
What you do
The Human Christmas TreeWhat you need:
What you do:
Alternative CollectSon of God, Child of Mary,
born in the stable at Bethlehem, be born again in us this day that through us the world may know the wonder of your love. Hear this prayer for your name’s sake. Amen. |
The Nativity Story in te reo MaoriI wonder
The Gift We Give To JesusThis prayer activity allows each person to give something back to Jesus in prayer; thanks, praise, a need - anything.
What you need:
What you do:
Our friends at Te Aka, Te Wānanga o Te Manawa o Te Wheke, have produced a nativity story in te reo. This amazing project uses illustrations from their story book, Te Harinui: Te Whanautanga Mai a Ihu Karaiti
Isaiah 9:2-7 Memory Verse
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
What you need
What you do
Decorate the image of Jesus with the memory verse from today - your can print this out large for them to copy, or print them on stickers for them to add and decorate.
What you need
- A copy baby Jesus in the manger
- Pens
What you do
Decorate the image of Jesus with the memory verse from today - your can print this out large for them to copy, or print them on stickers for them to add and decorate.