Prayer ideas
Prayer Flip BookI found this prayer flip book for helping guide young ones in ways to pray on the Teachers Pay Teachers website (you'll need to sign up for a free account) at this link.
"This is a flip book that I designed to help guide children with prayer. The front flaps each have a “reason” or the intention of their prayer, such as to pray for forgiveness. The back flaps each have prayer starters or suggestions. So, if a child wants to pray to ask for forgiveness, they can lift that flap and see some suggested ways to begin their prayer. You can use this flip book in any way that works for you!" QuestionsIn the story in John 17, when Jesus talks about going to be with his father in heaven:
Prayer SpiralThis fun idea is from the Flamecreative website, based on this experiment on Carrots are Orange website
Blowing BubblesBlow bubbles and they have to pop them/catch them, try blowing from low down and blowing them up in the air. If it seems appropriate, you can mention that today we are thinking about Ascension day when Jesus went back up to heaven to be with God and we are blowing the bubbles up to the sky like Jesus going up to God.
Balloons Up!You will need: