3 November 2024
Bible readings for today
Liturgical Colour: GREEN |
CollectE Īhu Karaiti, nāu mātou i ako ko ā mātou mahi ki tētahi atu,
ka rite ki a koe; meatia kia kakama mātou ki te awhi, whakaroa hoki ki te tūkino, me te mōhio ko te hoa tata, ko koe tēnā e pā kaha atu ana ō mātou aroha, ō mātou arokore rānei. Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa. Āmine. Jesus Christ, you have taught us that what we do to each other, we do to you; make us quick to help and slow to hurt, knowing that in our neighbour it is you who receive our love or our neglect. Hear this prayer for your name’s sake. Amen. |
The Greatest Commandment (Mark 12:28-34)
Today's story encourages us to think about how we can love the Lord with all of our heart
Gospel ConversationsOne of the most familiar passages in the Gospels is when Jesus tells us the "most important" commandments of them all. They're all about love. Simple? Not really! Join David Tombs, Kelvin Wright and Diana Abercrombie as they discuss with Rev Mike Godfrey some of the many sides to these central words of Jesus.
Who is your neighbour?The greatest commandment is to love God, and the second commandment is to love our neighbour as ourselves. It is so easy to get swept up in our own lives, and to not get to know our neighbours.
The Faithfulness of Ruth (Ruth 1:1-18)
Overview of Ruth
Here are some resources for leaders, who are looking for context and background information to share about the book of Ruth
BibleProject Overview: Ruth
BibleProject: Ruth Overview poster, free download here