12 October 2025
Bible readings for today
Liturgical colour: GREEN |
CollectE te Atua o te aroha,
whakahōhonutia, whakanuitia ō mātou aroha ki a koe kia whakarerea ō mātou hara ki muri kua oti nei hoki i a koe, te whakaora i a mātou, kia mahi ki a koe i roto i te pono, te tino tika. Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha. Āmine. God of compassion, deepen and increase our love for you so that we may leave behind the sins from which you have redeemed us, and serve you in perfect freedom. Hear this prayer for your love’s sake. Amen. |
Jesus heals 10 Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
AppreciationIn today’s story, Jesus healed ten men with leprosy but only one of them said thank you. All ten had asked Jesus to heal them, but only one of them said thank you when it happened. Have any of you ever done something for someone and they didn’t say thank you? How did it make you feel? (Pause for answers) Well, I know that it makes me feel like no one would care if I didn’t do it. It also makes me think that I might not do it again.
Can you imagine what would happen if Jesus had stopped healing people because no one said thank you? Or if people stopped making morning tea because no one said thank you to them? It wouldn’t be very nice would it? Today’s story reminds us of the importance of thanking people and to let them know that what they are doing is important. What are some ways that you can think of that we can let people know that they are appreciated? (pause) Activities
Gospel ConversationsA university lecturer, a school chaplain and a parish priest (sounds like the start of a joke...) gather to give us the sorts of varied insights their people might want to hear in this discussion on Jesus' encounter with the ten lepers. Find out about the echoes this story brings from earlier stories in Luke, and be challenged by what it might mean for us to be the 10th leper. (Note: James gave us more background than we could fit into this 15 minute video, but if you are interested in hearing more, the unedited version of his introduction is here)
Quick questions
You have been noticed!What you need: for each child - a wooden peg (plastic can be substituted), paper cup, glue, glitter and other stuff to decorate with, a copy of the ‘You’ve been noticed’ print out
What to do:
Other ideas: instead of each child doing one for someone they know, perhaps you might like to do this activity for your own church community. You could get the children to make a list of all the things that are done by people in the community for your community. E.g. Flower arrangements, cleaning, morning tea, counting the money, sides person, creating the news sheet, vestry etc.Then you could allocate children to do one for someone or a group on the list!! |