28 September 2025
Bible readings for today
Liturgical colour: GREEN NZ Daylight Saving time begins at 2am on Sunday |
CollectE te Atua kaha rawa,
ko koe anake tō mātou kaiwhakawā pono, e mōhio ana koe ki ā mātou mahi, me te mōhio anō me aha kē mātou kei a koe hoki te atawhai. Hōmai ki a mātou te kōingotanga mō te tika; whakakāngia mātou ki te ahi, kia tutuki ai ngā mahi tika. Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha. Āmine. Almighty God, you alone are our true judge, for you know what we are, you know what we should be, and with you there is mercy. Give us feeling for what is right; set us on fire to see that right is done. Hear this prayer for your love’s sake. Amen. |
The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)
Is Lazarus in today's gospel passage the same as Lazarus in John 11? Quick answer - no. The Lazarus in John 11:43-44 refers to the brother of Martha and Mary. Jesus visited the sisters, Mary and Martha, and resurrected their dead brother, Lazarus. The Lazarus in today's story is a poor man who sat outside the city gates.
Gospel ConversationsAnother great video from the Diocese of Dunedin, especially for those who are preaching on the gospel passage this week. There should possibly be a warning attached to this discussion: do not listen if you're not ready to be faced with Jesus at his most challenging! The parable under consideration is that of the nameless rich man and the beggar, Lazarus. Jerry, Trish and Esther tackle it with courage and honesty and the recognition that Jesus did not tell stories for our entertainment, but to transform us and the way we live. Go on - give it a go.
Visio LectioThanks to Visio Lectio for sharing this image today. Copyright Rev Sarah West, shared here with permission.
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The Love of Money (1 Timothy 6:6-19)
Teaching Kids About MoneyThis passage in Timothy is a great launchpad to talk to your kids about money and finance. As they grow up, they will have choices to make about how they spend their pocket money, who they spend it on (themselves or others) and what they save for. Kids who have a healthy understanding of the value of money will become good stewards with all that God gives them.
An interesting Infographic from makeuseof.com which looks at how you can help teach your kids about finance. |
Sermons4kidsSermons4Kids has some resources for the Rich Man and Lazarus See here
Opportunities for givingAs we head towards the end of the year and with Christmas looming on the horizon in a few months time, it could be a good time to think about how you are going to approach the festive season. For some, Christmas can be a financially crippling time of year, when it is meant to be a celebration of God's grace and redemption.
You might like to think about 'doing christmas differently' with one of the following:
- Role play the story. Give some kids lots of treats, and some kids no treats. Watch their reactions, then discuss their feelings. Connect it to the story and to real world justice issues.
- Raise some money for a charity, or donate to a charity
- Food for the Hungry Activities
- Classroom resources (World Vision)
- Tearfund resources (Tearfund)
- Anglican Missions Resources (Anglican Missions)