11 August 2024
Bible readings for today |
Collect |
Liturgical colour: GREEN |
E te Atua Atawhai,
nāu i tuku mai tāu tama kotahi hei patunga tapu mō ō mātou hara hei tauira mō te oranga atuatanga; Āwhinatia mai mātou i runga i te harikoa kia whiwhi i ngā mea katoa i mahia e ia mō mātou me te whai i ōna tapuwae; Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora. Āmine. Merciful God, you gave your only Son to be a sacrifice for sin and an example of godly life; help us gladly to receive all that he has done for us and follow in his footsteps; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. |
More Bread of Life! (John 6:35, 41-51)
The purpose of today's story is to understand that Jesus is the bread of life (you'll notice that it was a similar theme last week!) This Bread of Life not only satisfies our hunger and thirst but also brings eternal life.
Note that the Bread of Life activities/talks/games here are a repeat from last week. You may wish to do your planning for the next two weeks together so you can split the content over the two weeks.
Bread QuizThis is an introductory game to get children thinking about all the different types of bread there are.
What you need:
GamesSandwich relay from ministry-to-children.com
Bread Tasting Contest: Gather lots of different types of bread. Let the kids take turns being blindfolded and see how many types of breads they can identify by tasting. If you have children who are gluten free, make sure you have a separate selection of gluten free breads so they can participate. Bread Matching Game - Notice that there are three weeks of bread in the lectionary? So did Flame Creative, who have put together this bread game with printable sheets! Thanks Flame Creative! Questions to think about
Kids Talks I Am: The Bread of Life from resourcesforkidsministry.com
Jesus is The Bread of Life from ministry-to-children.com *these talks both mention gluten-free and keto diets. It's worth pointing out that even keto and gluten-free diets spend a lot of time trying to replicate 'bread'. Perhaps our bodies crave bread, as our spirits crave Jesus?! Short Children's Talk In today's story, Jesus was talking about being the Bread of Life. Does that mean that he wants us to eat him? No! So what does he mean? (Pause for answers) Well, I think that what Jesus really means is to feed on what he teaches about faith and God and being the person that God wants you to be. Why do you go to school? (Pause) For me, the thing about school that I went for was to learn and to feed my mind. Well, I think Jesus wants to feed our souls and minds. Cool aye?!?! So, what are some ways that you can think of that would be feeding our minds and souls for God? (Pause, maybe come up with a list) Well today, we are going to make our own special bread to help us to remember that Jesus is the Bread of Life. Perhaps we can make enough that you could share it with other people as well! Making BreadMaking food is always a hit with kids! Here's an easy recipe to make bread on a session. Or try this one for authentic unleavened bread.
Crafts and ActivitiesBread Painting - a fun bread activity from Raising Veggie Lovers. Perhaps you could write "bread of life" on the slice...
Bread of Life Badges
Leaders inputGospel Conversations 2024: This is the time in the 3-year lectionary cycle when we get a whole lot of weeks in a row considering Jesus as the Bread of Life. It can be difficult to find new angles to take on this, week after week! Fortunately we call on a wide range of people to be part of these conversations, so here are a whole bunch of new approaches to the theme you've all been considering for a while already. Join David Tombs, Andrew Metcalfe, Emma Wilson and Michael in this practical, grounded look at bread and Jesus.
Gospel Conversations 2021: From the Diocese of Dunedin: This week we have the second of three weeks in which the gospels look at Jesus as the Bread of Life. David, Trish and Steve challenge us to balance a "spiritual" understanding of the passage with the very real and practical implications of Jesus satisfying physical hunger in a world of inequalities. Intergenerational WorshipAll-Age Worship Service: I Am The Bread of Life from the Salvation Army.
Intergen Australia have a great collections of resources for exploring the Bread of Life Topic, written and compiled by Rev Beth Nicholls. Make sure you check out their other resources too. Reflective Colouring SheetCreative Bread PrayersCreative Bread prayers from flamecreative.blogspot.com that could be used in a variety of settings.
Bread Basket PrayersPrint out pictures of bread from The Kitchn website and use them as paper to write your prayers on in the church service. People can choose their favourite type of bread, as there is a wide range!
Extra CollectHoly God,
you have shown us the bread that never perishes, you are the bread of life; may we hunger for that bread above all else and seek to feed others with your life giving love. For you are alive and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen |
Live a life of Love (Ephesians 4:25-32, 5:1-2)
'No put downs' |
Intergenerational Worship |
The Salvation Army have a great set of children's ministry ideas that tie this Ephesians passage with the teaching in the book of James, about how we use our words to build others up, and not 'put others down'. It can be easy to fall into the trap of using this bible passage to teach a lesson on behaviour modification, but perhaps there is more in the passage than a list of behavioural changes.
Ephesians 5:1-2 has a beautiful summary of these words: "Live a life filled with love". Think about how your words can build up someone as you live a life filled with love, and how this can be an overflow of a heart for Jesus. Check out the link above for great ideas of how to do this. Love looks like this"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God" Ephesians 5:1-2 (NLT)
After a long list of instructions, Paul sums up this passage by reminding us what love looks like. Love looks like Jesus, offering his life for us. Love looks like sacrifice, acceptance, grace, humility and faithfulness. |
Intergen Australia have a great collection of resources for exploring this topic, written and compiled by Rev Beth Nicholls.
Psalm 130
An amazing free resource from Illustrated Ministries for this psalm can be downloaded here
Psalm 130: I will wait for you, sung by Shane & Shane
Psalm 130: I will wait for you - Keith & Kristyn Getty
<< LAST WEEK: Ordinary 18
NEXT WEEK: Ordinary 20 >>