13 August 2023
Bible readings for today
Liturgical Colour: GREEN |
CollectJesus, Saviour in storm,
when the waters of the deep are broken up, when the landmarks are washed away or drowned, come to us across the water; for the glory of your holy name. Amen. E Īhu, te Kaiwhakaora i te tūpuhi, pakaru mai ai ngā ngaru o te hōhonutanga, ka ngahoro te whenua, ka waipuke, ka toromi rānei, whakawhiti mai ki a mātou i runga i te wai. mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu. Āmine. |
Jesus walks on water (Matthew 14:22-33)
This story, tells how Jesus sent the disciples by ship back to the "other side" of the Sea of Galilee while he remained behind, alone, to pray. Night fell and the sea arose as the ship became caught in a wind storm. After rowing against the wind for most of the night, the disciples saw Jesus walking on the water. They were frightened, thinking that they were seeing a spirit, but when Jesus told them not to be afraid, they were reassured. After Jesus entered the ship, the wind ceased, and they arrived at land. This story is also found in John 6.
Quick questions
Walking on water (preschool)Create a leak proof blob! We haven't tried this, but it looks like it could be fun... Buy a plastic painters sheet, and seal the edges using baking parchment and an iron. On the morning, fill with water and tie a knot in the corner to seal shut. Use on a flat surface (like patch of grass) and let the children walk over the top of it barefoot. If it isn't popped, untie the knot and tip out the water. Reuse!
Source: Homecleaning Family Intergenerational WorshipIntergenerational worship material and resources for this scripture from Matthew, compiled by Chris Barnett for Intergen Australia.
OceansIf you have some young musicians in your church, this could be a good opportunity for them to learn 'Oceans', by Hillsong United
Gospel ConversationsWe all know the story of Jesus walking on the water, and of Peter's mixture of reckless faith and sinking doubt. (You are allowed a small groan at my choice of words). James, Lucy and Joel and Michael, all from the South Island, take this familiar story and look at it from multiple angles, from "living the metaphor" to the character of Peter, always bringing it back to what God might be saying to us, today, now.
Seven minute sermonThe Seven Minute Sermon podcast with Rev. George Penk. "Sometimes there are storms in our lives. But we shouldn’t worry about the wind and the waves. Instead, we should focus on the one who walks on water."
Lectionary ideasThe Church of Scotland have some weekly worship ideas for today's lectionary readings. Download pdf
Children's talkDo you find it easy to tell your friends that you are a Christian? (pause) In today’s story, Peter wanted to have faith in Jesus, but he got scared and started to doubt. Even though he knew that it was Jesus, and he had seen Jesus walk on water, Peter still started to sink when he got scared.
I know that on a Sunday morning at church is the easiest time for me to be a Christian because most of the people at church are Christian as well. But outside of church I have friends who aren’t Christian and sometimes I struggle to talk to them about Jesus because I get scared of what they might think of me. So I can identify with Peter in the story, because even though I know Jesus, I still struggle sometimes to tell my friends about him. But here is the amazing thing, what does Jesus do when Peter doubts and starts to sink? Can you remember? (pause) Well, Jesus helps Peter up! That’s really important for us to remember, because Jesus understands that sometimes we struggle, and Jesus is still there for us even if we haven’t been there for him. So next time you are in a situation where you are trying to decide whether or not to share about Jesus, or invite a friend to church, try to remember today’s story and hopefully it will give you the strength to do the right thing. And don’t forget that you can always pray to Jesus about it. Walking on waterAs a fun activity, you can try 'walking on water' using cornstarch and water (also known as oobleck). Oobleck can behave like both a solid and a liquid depending on how much pressure you apply. This is a fun activity to do with children, as they can 'walk over water' - and if they stand still, they start sinking into the goop.
Basic recipe for Oobleck is 1 cup cornstarch to 1.5cups water. Pour the cornstarch into a large mixing bowl and slowly add the water. Your mixture should feel kind of like honey and tear a bit when you run your hands across the top. Source: Housing a Forest |
Joseph (Genesis 37:1-4,12-28)
In today's story, Joseph has a dream and shares it with his brothers. The brothers don't react well! They throw him into a pit and sell him off to travelling merchants.
- Toddler Devotion Ideas (Baby Devotions)
- Game: Drop Joseph in the Well (Ministry 2 Kidz)
- Minute to Win it: Joseph's Coat (Holly's Home)
- Craft Ideas (Our Littlest Disciples)
- Mosaic Coat Craft (Crafting the Word of God)
- Coloured Coat Gingerbread Man (The Crafty Mummy)
Psalm 105
Liturgy: call to worshipCome, let’s give thanks to God together,
for our God always keeps His promises! Let’s sing songs and make music together, for our God always keeps His promises! Let’s watch for signs of His presence among us, for our God always keeps His promises! Let’s remember all the wonderful things He had done, for our God always keeps His promises! |