20 July 2025
Bible readings for today |
CollectGod our home,
in Christ you are always with us; in all our daily activities help us not to be so worried and distracted by many things that we forget the one thing we need, and lose the better part, which will be ours forever; through Jesus Christ our Liberator, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. |
Bible SundayThe Bible Society New Zealand have a great range of resources to help unpack the Bible, and the story of Bibles in New Zealand. This year they are celebrating 175 years of the Bible being in New Zealand.
Ngā Timatanga / Beginnings - the early story of the Bible in New Zealand
Jesus visits Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42)
Visio LectioAnother great illustration from Rev. Sarah West, shared with permission here.
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ActivitiesGospel ConversationsMary and Martha are fascinating characters in the gospels. We only meet them three times, but those short encounters give us vivid glimpses of this family who were dear to Jesus. This week it is the famous Martha-vs-Mary story with Martha busy and Mary sitting at Jesus' feet. Join Damon, Nicki, John and Michael from Dunedin Diocese as they unpack the many and varied responses we might make to this brief reading.