16 July 2023
Bible readings for today
Liturgical Colour: GREEN |
CollectPraise to you, God,
for all your work among us. Yours is the vigour in creation, yours is the impulse in our new discoveries. Make us adventurous, yet reverent and hopeful in all we do. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. E te Atua, te whakamoemiti ki a koe, mō āu mahi whakahirahira i waenga i a mātou. Nōu te kaha i hangaia ai te ao, nāu te wero kia kitea houtia ai ā mātou mahi. Tukua mātou kia haere whakamua, i te wehi, me te tūmanako mō ā mātou mahi katoa. E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmine. |
The parable of the seeds (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
Intergenerational WorshipThis week we continue to explore what being a Pentecost people is – a people alive with the spirit of God who are sent out into the world to share the Good News. From Intergen Australia
ActivitiesGodly play storyHere is a Godly Play session outline for telling the story of the parable of the sower. The session includes some great wondering questions and gives the children the opportunity for their own spiritual enquiry -- rather than spoon feeding them the answers.
Visio LectioA beautiful print image from Rev. Sarah West, from Visio Lectio
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Gospel ConversationsThe parable of the sower is not only very familiar, but is also the one parable Jesus "explains" in detail. Is there anything left for us to glean from it, then - any new way of applying it to our lives? Reverend Michael Godfrey, from the Diocese of Dunedin, talks with Lisa, Andrew and Sally (joining us from NSW), to dig deep and come up with some intriguing answers!
My seed plantWhat you need:
the template, paper cups, green pipe cleaners, green card/paper, coloured paper and other bits and pieces that you think might be useful for decorating, a bag of potting mix, glue, tape, pens and crayons What to do:
Planting seeds gameWhat you need:
Paper, a bag of counters or something to represent ‘seeds’ Preparation: Using the templates below, photocopy 9 of each of the four templates. Shuffle them up and then spread them out face down in a grid (6 x 6) What to do:
PrayerFarmer God.
good soil brings forth a hundredfold of grain. May we be that soil; vibrant, deep and teeming with life. This we ask in God’s name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who live and reign, one God, now and forever. Amen |
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Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25 &27)
The Book of Genesis speaks of the relationship between twins Jacob and Esau, sons of Isaac and Rebekah, focusing on Esau's loss of his birthright to Jacob and the conflict that ensued between their descendant nations because of Jacob's deception of their aged and blind father, Isaac, in order to receive Esau's birthright/blessing from Isaac.
Sermon readingLimping with God: Jacob and an Old Testament Guide to Messy discipleship, by Chad Bird.