Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)
The parable of the lost sheep can also be found in Matthew 18:10-14
Quick Questions
Visio LectioAnother great print illustration from Rev. Sarah West, from Visio Lectio (shared with permission)
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The Lost Coin (Luke 15: 8-10)
Hiding PlaceGod’s grace comes to find us, like the woman who stops what she is doing to find the missing coin. We all need God to find us and bring us back to the place where we belong.
Imagine your best hiding place, where no one can find you. What’s it like? Is it dark, or light? Can you see out? Can you hear any other people? Keep perfectly quiet there – not a sound, not even the sound of your breathing. Then imagine letting God in to your secret hiding place – how does it feel to have God in your secret hiding place with you? Imagine God taking your hand, and leading you to the kitchen where everyone is waiting to celebrate – they couldn’t start until you got there! |
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Activities |
Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)
The story of the prodigal son is one of the most well known of Jesus' parables - a story of redemption, forgiveness and grace. There are many ways you can interpret or tell this story - from the point of view from the father, prodigal son, or the son who remained at home. Each part of the story reveals something about the Father heart of God.
Worship resourcesThe Church of Scotland has some great ideas for worship services on their website
Call to worshipFrom the Church of Scotland - worship resources, found here
Turn towards the Father who runs out to meet us even if we feel far off. Turn towards the Son who reconciles us to God making us all a new creation. Turn towards the Spirit who meets with us here filling us with hope and peace. Father, Son and Spirit, we turn towards You with expectant minds and hopeful hearts. Transform us anew. Amen Worship song: God of All Comfort'God Of All Comfort' written to mark the 75th anniversary of Christian Aid. Download this song here
Visio LectioA beautiful image from the Visio Lectio project, created by the Anglican Diocese of Auckland. © Sarah West. All Rights reserved, shared with permission.
Download Terms of Use All Age ServicePrayer StationsSome wonderful all age prayer stations from St Albans Diocese, taking in to consideration the Bible story, people's different spiritual styles (David Csinos) and the 3 dimensional model of prayer which is upwards (God) inward (ourselves) and outwards (others) Find out more here
Source: St Albans CME |