19 March 2023
Bible readings for today
Liturgical colour: VIOLET |
CollectGod of unchangeable power,
when you fashioned the world the morning stars sang together and the host of heaven shouted for joy; open our eyes to the wonders of creation and teach us to see all things for good, to the honour of your glorious name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. E te Atua o te kaha e kore nei e memeha, mai i tāu waihangatanga i te ao, ka waiata ngā whetū mārama o te ata, ka umere ngā rangi katoa i te koa; huakina ō mātou karu kia kitea ai ngā mīharo o tāu nei ao, whakaakona hoki mātou kia mārama te pai o ngā mea katoa, kia whai hōnore tōu ingoa korōria; ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmine. |
Healing the blind (John 9:1-41)
The gospel reading today tells the story of Jesus healing a man who had been blind from birth.
Quick questions
Scavenger HuntA game for older children
What to do Depending on numbers either give all the children a copy of the questions, or divide them into groups to answer the questions. See who can do it the fastest, or has the most correct answers. Peace like a riverA great reminder that God can give us joy, love, peace deep down in our soul. Crank this up and play it loud!
Gospel ConversationsHere we have the next of our long, long Gospel readings from John! It's the complex story of a man who was born blind being healed, and of his interactions with the religious establishment. It's a story of light and darkness, of hope and new direction, and of some deep challenges as well. We have an all-Dunedin team on this week, with Michael being joined by Natalie, Andrew and Anne.
Visio LectioA great illustration from Rev. Sarah West for this passage from John 9, shared with permission
PNG Download Download w/ background Terms of Use Sermon: The Blind ManThe Wellington Diocese have put together a series of Lent sermons on the theme of repentance and freedom.
This sermon is shared by Rose Morris, the leader of Blueprint Church in the heart of Wellington. Length: 15m32s, available on YouTube What's missing?A game for younger children
Preparation You need a tray with lots of different things on it. Cover it with a tea towel. What to do
Seeing the whole pictureWhat you need: A copy of the template for each child, felts and crayons to decorate
Preparation: For some of the younger children, you may like to pre-fold some of the templates. What to do:
Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd)
Know my voiceWhat you need/Preparation
Divide the children into two teams. Explain that you will play voices of famous people. As you do, the teams have to write down the name of the person that they think it is. At the end, check the answers and see how they did!This could lead into a discussion about how we recognise people by their voices. Whose voices/ opinions do we listen to most? How do we listen to Jesus? Psalm 23 Bible StudyFollowing her Psalm 23 tour in 2021, Bishop Eleanor Sanderson has compiled a four-week study guide around this theme. Designed for small group discipleship and mixing video, story, discussion and reflection, this guide is perfect for beginner and exploring Christians to go deeper in intimacy with Jesus.
For more information, see the Movement Online website |
Psalm 23 Creative Prayer stations![]() Download this file for instructions and a list of things required.
Let children absorb and engage with Psalm 23 as they make their way through different stations. As the children are moving around from station to station, you might like to stagger the start time, so they have time and space to enjoy each station. Stations include
Worship songs