The Passover (Exodus 12:1-14)
In this week's Old Testament reading, we hear about the story of the Passover. It might also be a week where you talk about why God wanted to rescue the Israelites from Egypt or how these stories show how far God will go to care for his people. For younger kids, you may like to recap the story of Moses as a whole, which can be seen in this video from Saddleback Kids
Moses song |
Let’s meet Moses who lived in the palace of Pharaoh, Moses did something bad and it was a big uh-oh! So Moses ran far, far away The people of Israel were stuck working all day Moses was tending his sheep when he heard his name God spoke to him through a bush that was burning up in flames! God had a great plan But Moses said, “No way, you’ve got the wrong man!” God let Moses’ brother speak on his behalf And the two went to the Pharaoh, each carrying a staff Aaron told Pharaoh to “Let God’s people go!” But the Pharaoh told them, “No! No! No!” God sent plagues to the land and to the skies. Frogs and bugs and hail and even some pesky flies. After many days of this the Egyptians were sad Pharaoh said, “Get out of here!” and the Israelites were glad. Moses and the Israelites left Egypt behind But then the Pharaoh just up and changed his mind The Pharaoh chased the Israelites and they were as scared as could be But Moses raised his staff and God parted the Red Sea! All of God’s people walked on dry land, And the Israelites went free just as God had planned. Source: Saddleback Kids |