26 January 2025
Bible readings for today
Liturgical colour: WHITE or GREEN |
CollectsE te Atua o ngā atawhainga katoa,
i mauria mai e tāu Tama te rongopai ki te hunga taumaha, kia tukua te hunga e pēhia ana, me te harikoa ki a rātou e pōuri ana; whakakīia mātou ki tōu Wairua kia kitea ai te iwi, i tōu āhua i roto i a mātou kia whakakorōriatia ai tōu ingoa. E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmine. God of all mercy, your Son brought good news to the despairing, freedom to the oppressed and joy to the sad; fill us with your spirit that the people of our day may see in us his likeness and glorify your name. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Jesus announces himself at Nazareth (Luke 4:14-21)
When Jesus visits Nazareth, the town where he was from, he told a synagogue full of people that He was the fulfilment of the Isaiah scriptures.
Leaders InputA Reflection on this week's reading:
So, what do we find in this perhaps oddly cut and oddly set gem of a text? First we see that people just love Jesus. This story rings one of the deep supportive bass notes underneath the rise and fall of stories carrying the melody of the Gospels. Most people thought Jesus was just fantastic. They wanted to be around him. We got the first hint of it when Jesus was a boy of twelve. Luke told us that as he grew he enjoyed the favor or both God and the people (Luke 2:52). We see it throughout so many stories when he healed all who came to him, and when crowds anticipated his movements, arriving at his destinations before he did. We see it on Palm Sunday when the crowds waved their palm branches and acclaimed his arrival. And in a quiet but powerful way we see it in the simple fact that children wanted to be near him. Continue here. |
Visio Lectio:
Visio Lectio is based on the practice of Visio Divina - the thoughtful contemplation of something visual that invites God to speak to us. A beautiful image from the Visio Lectio project, created by the Anglican Diocese of Auckland. © Sarah West. All Rights reserved, shared with permission. Download Terms of Use |
Intergenerational worshipA collection of resources and ideas, written and compiled by Chris Barnett for Intergen Australia
Kid Talks
Reflective ColouringPrintable colouring in for Luke 4:18 (Flame Creative)
Activity - make a scrollWhat you'll need:
Mission Statement - for householdsWhat you need
What you do
Media |
One body with many parts (1 Corinthians 12: 12-31)
Potato Head TalkYou will need
When a part of the puzzle or a part of the body is missing, its not complete, it's not quite right!. We're going to have some fun with Potato head to remind us that of all the parts of our church, none is more important. Let the children play with the Potato head and talk about how the church is like a body. |
PuzzleYou will need:
Give out the puzzle(s)to do first – this what we are thinking about today! We need all the pieces to make the whole picture... Read the 1 Corinthians reading.