14 May 2023
Bible readings for today
Today is Mother's Day in New Zealand |
CollectEternal God,
light of the minds that know you, joy of the hearts that love you, strength of the wills that serve you; grant us so to know you that we may truly love you, and so to love you that we may gladly serve you, now and always. Amen. E te Atua mutunga kore, ko koe te mārama o te hinengaro e mōhio nei, ko koe te hari o te ngākau e aroha nei, ko koe te kaha o te whakaaro e mahi nei mōu; tukua mai ki a mātou te mōhiotanga ki a koe kia tino aroha ai mātou ki a koe, mā te aroha ki a koe ka tika ai tā mātou mahi i runga i te harikoa, āianei, ā, ake tonu atu. Āmine. |
Mothers Day
As Mothers Day falls on this Sunday, it offers churches the opportunity to honour all the women in the church. However, we need to be mindful that motherhood is a difficult and delicate journey, and for some, this day can bring reminders of pain, hurt, emptiness, and grief - whether for new mums, old mums, single parents, grieving families, and those without children. This does not mean we shouldn't celebrate the wonderful mothers in our midst, but provides us with a day to bless of all the women in our church family.
The Holy Spirit is promised (John 14:15-21)
In today's story, Jesus promises that he will send the Holy Spirit to his disciples.
Introduction to the Holy SpiritWith Pentecost being celebrated in 2 weeks time, today is a great time to introduce children to the idea of the Holy Spirit. Often the most difficult person in the trinity to explain, the children can know that God the Father sends us the Holy Spirit to help us and will always be with us. The Spirit will show us what is true. The Holy Spirit is with us and will keep on living in us.
Use the dove and flame prayer template from Strandz to talk about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us power, wisdom, and peace.
Who is the Holy Spirit?Read John 14:15-21 together
What idea or phrase in the reading caught your attention? Watch Watch this Bible Project YouTube clip together and consider “What ideas are new or surprising?” (This video is suitable for older kids, and might be a little complex for younger kids,, but they might enjoy watching it anyway) Discuss
Gospel ConversationsAnother great video from the Diocese of Dunedin. This week Jesus speaks to us of love and of the coming of the Holy Spirit, our Advocate, Comforter - and challenger. We have a fine mix of accents today: American, Australian and a tinge of Wales! But for once our panellists found a lot in common in our Gospel reading, as Jesus gives us both a command and deep reassurance.
Dove and flame prayers![]()
Comfort prayer stationsIn advance, set up prayer stations around the room. The signs include
Give children time to go to different stations and say a prayer out loud, draw a picture or say a silent prayer. ![]()
Prayer - the work of the SpiritDear Jesus
Before going up to heaven you promised to send your Holy Spirit to finish your work on earth. Please help us welcome the work of your spirit, in each of us. Give us your understanding so we can see the world through your eyes. Give us your wisdom so we can recognise you at work and choose to work with you, on the things that last forever. Give us your courage so that with your help, we will not give up. Teach us to wonder and delight in all you have created. Teach us gratefulness, so we will always be thankful for all that you do, in and through us. Teach us to love all people, just like you do. Amen Holy Spirit flamesA sheet to colour in, or print on card and use as a craft item. Ideas include: