18 May 2025
Bible readings for today
Liturgical colour: WHITE |
CollectE te Atua māhaki,
tukua mātou kia harikoa, ki te hoatu tōu aroha tētahi ki tētahi; meinga kia hari koa mātou i te whiwhinga mai. Whakatupua ki roto i a mātou i ia rā, he Wairua oha whirinaki hoki. Mā te aroha ki a koe ka tika ai tā mātou mahi i runga i te harikoa, E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmine. Make us glad we pray you, gentle God, to give each other your loving care; make us happy to receive it. May there daily grow within us a generous, trusting spirit. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Love one another (John 13:31-35)
"Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples."
Pass it onto your neighbour cardsYou will need
Quick Questions
Game: Drop the ClangerA game for younger children
You will need Something to be the clanger. E.g. a saucepan, a set of keys etc something that makes a noise! What to do
Unpacking the storyIn today’s story, Jesus was telling the disciples about what was going to happen to him at Easter. It sounded a little confusing didn’t it? (pause for answers) well; I think that it would have been confusing for the disciples too!
But Jesus did tell them something that was really clear: You must love each other, just as I have loved you. Can anyone tell me what they think that means? (Pause) Well, I think what Jesus meant was that we should treat other people how we would like to be treated. That means that if you like people to listen to you when you talk, then you should do the same when people are talking to you. Can you think of any other times when it would be important to treat others the same as you want to be treated? (Pause) Well, today we are going to make some pass it on cards to remind us to treat people how we would like to be treated. We might even make enough to hand out to people in church today! |
Playdough PrayersGive the kids two colours of playdough and getting them to think of someone they find difficult to love. One colour is them and one the other person. As they ask God to help them love and accept this person, mix the two colours together, blending them.
Source: Flame Creative Gospel ConversationsThis week we are given just a handful of verses from John's Gospel to ponder, yet the themes within them of Glory and Love could keep us thinking for the rest of our lives. Chris Holmes, Jenny Dawson and Anne van Gend join Michael Godfrey to get us started.
Other ideas |
Psalm 148
Sons of Korah have a song about Psalm 148, which sets these beautiful words to music. You can use this song for: