11 May 2025
Bible readings for todayMother's Day is celebrated this Sunday Across all the lectionary readings this week, shepherding or pastoral care is a pervasive theme! |
CollectHoly God,
throughout the generations the prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah; prepare us to receive him, turn us from darkness to the glorious light that is your Son, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. |
Mothers Day
As Mothers Day falls on this Sunday, it offers churches the opportunity to honour all the women in the church. However, we need to be mindful that motherhood is a difficult and delicate journey, and for some, this day can bring reminders of pain, hurt, emptiness, and grief - whether for new mums, old mums, single parents, grieving families, and those without children. This does not mean we shouldn't celebrate the wonderful mothers in our midst, but provides us with a day to bless of all the women in our church family.
My sheep listen (John 10:22-30)
In the gospel reading today, Jesus claims to be the Son of God. "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me" John 10:28-29. As mentioned above, shepherding or pastoral care is a pervasive theme across all of our readings.
It's helpful to know that this story comes right after Jesus has told the story of the Good Shepherd, where Jesus says "I am the good shepherd". If you are sharing this story with children, you might like to unpack this story further.
It's helpful to know that this story comes right after Jesus has told the story of the Good Shepherd, where Jesus says "I am the good shepherd". If you are sharing this story with children, you might like to unpack this story further.
Gospel ConversationsWe take a step back in Jesus' story this week to an encounter at the feast of Hannukah. Who is this Jesus? How can we know? Bishop Kelvin, Tony Martin and Diana Abercrombie join Rev Michael Godfrey for a quiet and thoughtful discussion around encountering Jesus the Good Shepherd.
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Quick Questions
Activity Sheets
Good Shepherd Media
Ever dreamt of country dancing a memory verse? Now's your chance. You're welcome.
Parable of the Lost Sheep Media
Although this is a differen parable, this story may also be helpful in sharing how God is like a loving shepherd who protects and cares for his sheep.
The Lord is my shepherd (Psalm 23)
Know my voiceWhat you need/Preparation
What to do Divide the children into two teams. Explain that you will play voices of famous people. As you do, the teams have to write down the name of the person that they think it is. At the end, check the answers and see how they did! could lead into a discussion about how we recognise people by their voices. Whose voices/ opinions do we listen to most? How do we listen to Jesus? |
Psalm 23 Creative Prayer stationsDownload this file for instructions and a list of things required.
Let children absorb and engage with Psalm 23 as they make their way through different stations. As the children are moving around from station to station, you might like to stagger the start time, so they have time and space to enjoy each station. Stations include
Worship songs
Psalm 23 Bible StudyFollowing her Psalm 23 tour last year, Bishop Eleanor Sanderson has compiled a four-week study guide around this theme. Designed for small group discipleship and mixing video, story, discussion and reflection, this guide is perfect for beginner and exploring Christians to go deeper in intimacy with Jesus.
For more information, see the Movement Online website |