21 April 2024
Bible readings for today
Liturgical Colour: WHITE |
CollectE te Hēpara Pai,
e rapu nei i te hunga ngaro, ā, arahina ana ki roto i te kāhui; whāngaia mātou ka mākona, rongoātia mātou ka ora, arahina mātou kia noho tahi ki a koe, me te Matua me te Wairua Tapu, e kīngi tahi ana me koe, kotahi anō Atua ake tonu atu. Āmine. Good shepherd of the sheep, by whom the lost are sought and guided into the fold; feed us and we shall be satisfied, heal us and we shall be whole, and lead us that we may be with you, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, where you reign one God for ever. Amen. |
The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18)
Today's gospel reading tells the story of Jesus talking to the Jews, who were confused by him saying "I am the good shepherd"
Activity Sheets
Gospel ConversationsThanks to the Gospel Conversations team in Dunedin Diocese for another great video on how to engage with the gospel passage. This week we have one of the most beloved images of Jesus to think about: Jesus the Good Shepherd who knows each sheep by name, and welcomes those from unexpected pastures. Even this beautiful image brings with it challenges as well as good news, and Deborah Broome joins us for the first time to mull them over with Lisa Emerson and Damon Plimmer - and, of course the host, Michael Godfrey!
2023: In this Gospel Conversation from the Dunedin Diocese for Easter 4, the Diocesan Ministry Educator is joined by Dr Gillian Townsley (chaplain at St Hilda’s School), the Rev’d Vivienne Galletly (hospital chaplain) and the Rev’d Richard Johnson (Dean for Rural Ministry). They discuss John 10:11-18 where Jesus explores imagery surrounding shepherds, sheep, wolves and hired hands.
Intergenerational worshipAn intergerational worship resource written by Elizabeth Waldron Anstice for Intergen Australia, including creative Bible and interactive music options based on the John 10 passage, as well as a bonus Lord’s Prayer resource.
StorypathThe Storypath website shares ideas for children's books matching the lectionary readings each Sunday.
Today's book suggestions can be found here Quick Questions
Godly Play storyIf you have experience with telling Godly Play stories, you may like to use the one in this video to help you share the story with the families in your church. To find out more about Godly Play in New Zealand, see here.
Good shepherd artFor a reflective activity, print out images of the good shepherd and ask the child to find one they want to look at. Some questions you could ask may include:
The Good Shepherd: Pursue GOD Kids
A fun song for young kids, but be warned - it'll get stuck in your head for ages!
The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23)
Know my voiceWhat you need/Preparation
Divide the children into two teams. Explain that you will play voices of famous people. As you do, the teams have to write down the name of the person that they think it is. At the end, check the answers and see how they did!This could lead into a discussion about how we recognise people by their voices. Whose voices/ opinions do we listen to most? How do we listen to Jesus? Psalm 23 Bible StudyFollowing her Psalm 23 tour in 2021, Bishop Eleanor Sanderson has compiled a four-week study guide around this theme. Designed for small group discipleship and mixing video, story, discussion and reflection, this guide is perfect for beginner and exploring Christians to go deeper in intimacy with Jesus.
For more information, see the Movement Online website |
Psalm 23 Creative Prayer stationsDownload this file for instructions and a list of things required.
Let children absorb and engage with Psalm 23 as they make their way through different stations. As the children are moving around from station to station, you might like to stagger the start time, so they have time and space to enjoy each station. Stations include
Worship songs
Peter and John before the Council (Acts 4:5-12)
Peter speaks upThere is a new confidence in the Peter we see in this passage, compared to the scared and unreliable Peter from the man we see in Luke 22. When Peter is asked if he knows Jesus in the gospels, he denies it outright - three times. Yet the Peter here is confident and clear about who Jesus was. The writer of Acts notes that when he were called before the leaders with John,"Peter, filled with the holy spirit,..."
This reflects back to Luke 12:11-12, which says “When they drag you into their meeting places, or into police courts and before judges, don't worry about defending yourselves—what you'll say or how you'll say it. The right words will be there. The Holy Spirit will give you the right words when the time comes.” (MSG) |