12 January 2025
Bible readings for today
Liturgical colour: WHITE |
CollectE te Atua kaha rawa,
nāu i whakawahi a Īhu i tōna iriiringa me te Wairua Tapu, nāu i whakaatu i a ia, tāu Tama aroha; hōmai ki a mātou, kua iriiria nei i roto i tōna ingoa kia mahi katoa ai ki tāu e hiahia ai, kia kitea ai ngā hua pai, o ā mātou mahi; ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmine. Almighty God, you anointed Jesus at his baptism with the Holy Spirit, and revealed him as your own beloved Son; grant that we who are baptised into his name may give our lives to your service, and be found worthy of our calling; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. |
Jesus is Baptised by John (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22)
John the Baptist anticipated a messiah who would be greater than himself. John is portrayed as the forerunner of Jesus who prepares the people for Jesus' ministry. John baptised Jesus and was beheaded by Herod.
ActivitiesWorksheet (Cartoon Church)
John the Baptist Games (Sermons 4 Kids) Baking Paper Craft (Jesus without Language) Story Boxes (Pretty or Practical) |